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2021-12-24 15:28:00 来源:南早网
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“Let’s work together to explore China’s travel retail market and create new patterns in the global travel retail industry, with openness, communication, cooperation and innovation.” Few voices have resonated with as much inspiration and encouragement to the rest of the industry over the past two years as that of China Duty Free Group (CDFG) President Charles Chen.


In the darkest of times, in March 2020, when CDFG was already in recovery mode, he exhorted brand partners to explore the China domestic duty paid and Hainan offshore duty free opportunities when virtually no other sales outlets existed worldwide. Since then, CDFG has taken on a true leadership role within travel retail.


How? By setting new benchmarks for physical and digital activations with its partners. By investing in raising the standard of its own retail real estate, on- and off-airport, both for today and for tomorrow – the new Haikou International Duty Free City will be a landmark for Chinese and global travel retail when it opens next year. And by reaching new heights in sales terms. Amid the pandemic CDFG has attained the status of world’s number one travel retailer, a position it will surely occupy for years to come, even as the global market recovers, such has been its impressive performance in 2020 and 2021.


CDFG has helped its industry partners build volume and reach during COVID times, delivering with quality, professionalism and an intimate knowledge of its consumers. The guiding hand of Charles Chen has been instrumental in its achievements to date, and the promise of much more to come.



作为全球旅游零售和免税行业的权威媒体之一,《穆迪戴维特报告》自2002年公司创办以来便开始了“年度人物”评选活动,表彰其为促进全球旅游零售及免税行业发展做出的突出贡献。荣膺穆迪“2021年度人物”的还有卡塔尔航空集团首席执行官Akbar Al Baker、WanderSafe创始人Stephenie Rodriguez、希思罗机场零售及地产总监Fraser Brown等。




